oEmbed - Basic usage

Last Updated 4 months ago

oEmbed is a standard for making publishing of content easy, it can be used to build an integration between your system and Quickchannel.

For more in-depth technical information check out this article.

Basic Usage

The typical usage is for a user or publisher to copy the Console or Videosite link of a video into your system, the system can then use the Quickchannel oEmbed API to fetch an HTML embed code and display the video.

An embed code can be retrieved for any video with moderation set to Approved.
Note that if a publication window is set for the video it is also required to be within the set date range.

Both links to the video in Console and Videosite are supported, see examples of URLs below.


The following is an example of a site using the oEmbed standard to retrieve an HTML embed code from Quickchannel based on one of the URLs above oEmbed example on embed.ly.

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