Controlling cookies in player using the REST API

Last Updated 3 months ago

It is possible to control which cookies the player can set using the REST API and the allowedcookies parameter.

An option is to fetch a completely cookieless player by setting the parameter an empty sting:

curl ""

<p>This would result in a response similar to:

</p> <pre>{"id": "DqCsvA8McDeg1onWaRz_Mw", "embed": "<iframe allow=\"autoplay; fullscreen\" allowfullscreen height=\"360\" referrerpolicy=\"no-referrer-when-downgrade\" src=\"\" style=\"border:0;\" title=\"bunny lo-res\" width=\"640\"></iframe>"}</pre> <p>Such player can be then instructed to store more cookies depending on user preferences as described in <a href="">Setting player to store only allowed cookie</a> article.

</p> <p>A Screen9 account can also be set up to prevent Screen9 Player to store any cookies. Please contact support if you want to have this enabled.</p>

This website relies on cookies to function, but no personal data is ever stored in the cookies.

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